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Our venerable and God-bearing Father Maximus the Confessor

29 January 2019

Maximus, born in the year 580 of noble parentage in the city of  Constantinople, occupied high positions in the Byzantine Empire. He was  sent to Rome in 646 and induced Pope Martin to call a council in order  to defend Orthodoxy against the Monothelite heresy (649). He composed  several treatises on the subject and was widely read throughout the  Christian world. This brought upon him the anger of Paul, Patriarch of  Constantinople, and of Emperor Constance, who promoted the heresy. He  was seized by their emissaries and exiled to the Greek province of  Thrace and In 661 Maximus again was brought to the imperial capital and  questioned; while there, he had his tongue uprooted and his right hand  cut off (to prevent him from preaching or writing the true faith), and  then was again exiled to the Caucasus, but died shortly thereafter on  August 13, 662. 

Troparion of St. Maximus the Confessor: 

Guide  of Orthodoxy, mirror of piety and exemplary behaviour, bright star of  the universe and adornment of pontiffs, you enlightened us all by your  teaching. O wise Maximus, inspired by God and lyre of the Holy Spirit,  intercede with Christ God that He may save our souls. 

Kontakion of St. Maximus the Confessor: 

Let  us, O faithful, honour with worthy hymns the great Maximus so highly  devoted to the Holy Trinity. He preached faith in God with great courage  and glorified Christ in his two natures, two wills and two operations.  Wherefore let us cry out: “Joy to you, O Preacher of the Faith!”